BIM methodology can be the bridge between real estate market players
FM newsroom – BIM. With the rapid development of technology, it is increasingly important to ensure that buildings are designed, built, operated and maintained in
FM newsroom – BIM. With the rapid development of technology, it is increasingly important to ensure that buildings are designed, built, operated and maintained in
B+N Referencia Zrt. közel három évtizedes múltra tekint vissza, és Magyarország vezető létesítménygazdálkodási vállalatává nőtte ki magát. A Diplomacy&Trade a közelmúltban adott interjújában Kis-Szölgyémi Ferenc
Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, great emphasis has been placed on disinfection, especially in healthcare facilities where people with a weak immune system are
After a year-long delay, due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic, the “Shape of Success” Budapest Airport Awards Gala was held in the last
In Hungary, the number of buildings to renovate is constantly growing, and work must follow sustainable guidelines. How much market participants are willing to pay