Transition to Sustainability – Green Building Conference 2022

The Czech Green Building Council will host the Green Building 2022 conference in a unique virtual studio inviting professionals to join the conversation online from their home/office. The focus of the event will be the sustainable, exemplary solutions that can inspire participants and show how the green approach can be profitable.

Sustainability is becoming an essential aspect in all sectors, and the construction industry, in particular, can make a major contribution to and benefit from the carbon neutrality targets. However, this will require a change of attitude across the industry. Green Building 2022 will provide an opportunity for professionals to be inspired by sustainable solutions through world-renowned speakers.

The online conference programme is divided into 4 blocks according to the themes of the 26th UN Climate Change Summit.

Programme: Green Building 2022

Zero Carbon – Profitable green buildings

Keynote speaker Rick Fedrizzi, Executive President of the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI has been at the forefront of the sustainable building industry for many years and sees the green building as an economic and business opportunity that can save our planet. After his keynote speech, Benoit Bazin, CEO of Saint-Gobain, shows the path to carbon neutrality. He will be followed by Paul King, Managing Director for Sustainability and Social Impact at Lendlease Europe, who will also address this topic and illustrate the opportunities for the industry through his own example.

Adaptation and Resilience – Theory in practice

In this part, the speakers will present concrete examples of best practices on how buildings should respond and adapt to the new challenges of climate change. Jan Baxa, Head of Asset Management at CA IMMO, will talk about the importance of renovating existing buildings. Sinus Lynge, Architect, urban planner, and founding partner at EFFEKT calls for a new building culture pointing out that we fail to build indoor environments that are healthy while we spent 90% of our time inside buildings. Dusty Gedge, President of the European Green Roofs and Living Walls Association, will discuss green roofs and walls in urban environments and their success in helping cities adapt to climate change.

Financing – The budget of sustainability

The third block will focus on financing green solutions, which is very important to accelerate the shift towards sustainability. Jan Tomaštík, Director of the ČSOB EU Centre, will present the financial instruments and the impact of the new tax system and banking regulations on project financing. And Jan-Evert Post, Managing Director for Financing and Investor Relations at CTP, will talk about financing the development of industrial buildings with green bonds.

Working together

In the closing, speakers will talk about the importance of cooperation between the public and private sectors and will include a presentation by Stefan Moser, European Commission representative for energy, who will present the Commission’s vision for implementing the European Green Deal in the construction sector.

The 8th Green Building 2022 conference will take place online on 22 February 2022 from 11:30 in English with Czech subtitles. All participants can join the debate and ask questions to the speakers live.

Registration is available HERE.



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