Innovations elevating pest control to another level
FM newsroom – facilities management, maintenance, pest control. Pests of all kinds are a nuisance for maintenance staff, as they can quickly infiltrate and infest
FM newsroom – facilities management, maintenance, pest control. Pests of all kinds are a nuisance for maintenance staff, as they can quickly infiltrate and infest
Buildings are complex machines. When they’re shiny and new and everything is running great, facility managers feel like the kings or queens of the world.
The great interest shown by renowned international companies for Hotspot Skyhub confirms that the focus on the quality of the space and the special vibe
EBRD invests €50 million equity in green commercial real estate in central and eastern Europe. The co-investment with Adventum Penta Fund aims to help meet
According to the current analysis of the real estate consulting company CBRE, the amount of rent in office buildings in Bratislava is stable for now.
B+N Referencia Zrt. közel három évtizedes múltra tekint vissza, és Magyarország vezető létesítménygazdálkodási vállalatává nőtte ki magát. A Diplomacy&Trade a közelmúltban adott interjújában Kis-Szölgyémi Ferenc