FM newsroom – facility management. As we move into the wet and cold seasons of fall and winter, simple measures such as effective housekeeping, comprehensive maintenance schedules and swift repairs will help to reduce the risk of accidents and costly claims while also providing a safe and pleasant environment.
A proactive approach to site assessment and repairs before harsher weather arrives allows us to identify potential issues before they occur or deteriorate. Repairing the highlighted problems at the earliest stage possible will ensure operational efficiency, and cost savings and keep those using the space safe.
First things first
Before attempting to tackle any maintenance and repairs, take the time to assess what work needs to be carried out. Site inspections help highlight issues that could become a hazard or deteriorate into more significant damage, Scott Saunders, Technical Service Manager at Watco, points out for Facility Management Journal.
Simple tools such as a maintenance checklist or risk assessment can make sure that inspections are thorough and can also be tailored to focus on specific areas more prone to weather-related hazards and damage.
Floor repairs
Floors are frequently found on the repairs list due to the high footfall they face each day. The wet weather and colder temperatures can make floor repairs even more of a priority as cracks in the can fill with water, and the water can freeze, weakening the surface and posing a serious trip hazard. Facilities managers can save money and minimise downtime by completing repairs when issues are first identified.
Moisture management
Concrete is naturally porous, which means it can absorb and hold water. Therefore, concrete floors should have a damp-proof membrane (DPM) underneath to prevent water from seeping in and penetrating the floor. However, if the DPM fails or is not present, facility managers could end up with rising dampness, damaging the floor surface. It is also unpleasant for employees and visitors and can even result in health problems if not treated effectively.
Water penetration is another issue that can arise thanks to the rainy conditions. It can be caused by issues including mortar deterioration, broken roof tiles, blocked downpipes or leaking gutters.
Risk of slips and falls
Areas of a building that are more exposed to the elements and, therefore, pose a greater risk of accidents will need more attention during this period. For example, where rain has blown in through open doors and loading bays, making the floor wet or on external slopes and stairs.
Anti-slip products such as coatings and matting within a facility can increase grip and reduce the risk of slips and falls. Meanwhile, for external surfaces such as steps, FMs can apply GRP treads to improve grip and highlight the edges. Making them more visible can reduce the potential for trips, particularly in the dark winter mornings and evenings.