For the past 5 years, INWEMER, the Polish subsidiary of B+N Zrt. has been supporting the Gajusz Foundation, which works for disadvantaged children. The Foundation is celebrating its 25th anniversary in February. For the jubilee, they create a unique mural on a building in Warsaw.
When seven-month-old Gajusz was fighting for his life, his mum made a promise, if the baby survived, she would help sick and lonely children. She has been doing so since 1998. For 25 years, the Gajusz Foundation has been helping children, sick and abandoned by their parents after difficult, even traumatic experiences.
Supporting good causes
Inwemer, the Polish subsidiary of B+N has been helping the Gajusz Foundation for 5 years. „Gajusz Foundation also runs a pre-adoption centre for children left in hospitals. I was a volunteer there for a period of two years” – Joanna Kubiak, Key account representative of the board of directors at Inwemer talks about her personal connection.
The team of more than 150 specialists and 400 volunteers at Gajusz provide medical, therapeutic and social support to more than 1,200 families in crisis every year. Among other activities, they run three children’s hospices, the Zucchini Centre for Therapy and Support for Children and Their Families, and the Tuli Luli Centre for abandoned babies.
A mural for the Silver jubilee
The quarter-century anniversary of the Foundation starts with a charity ball on 18th February but will be the theme for all of 2023.
„On our anniversary, we received a special gift – a design for a mural, which we want to paint on a wall at Wilcza 22a st. in Warsaw. It will be created by Bruno Neuhamer, who has already created such famous projects as the mural of Kora Jackowska in Nowy Świat or the mural of Czesław Niemen” – the foundations’ representative says.
To make it all happen, Gajusz needs partners. There are many opportunities to support the event. To help, feel free to contact Gajusz Foundation.